About Me

Selma Weisbein

Selma Weisbein

Travel Expert

Selma Weisbein is a native of Sao Paulo, Brazil and speaks English, Portuguese, and Spanish. Her father was a successful engineer and developer in Brazil who introduced the family to travels all around the world. 

When Selma moved to the US, she married a commercial real estate developer and worked extensively in international luxury travel. Eventually, she obtained her Masters in Science and Engineering from University of Pennsylvania.

29 years ago, she relocated to South Florida with her family. She spends time always researching the best places to experience a one of a kind trip, and always being asked where is she going next. She has been pretty much to almost all continents of the world.. 

Selma has an intimate knowledge of the travel industry since when her first daughter was born, she opened up a travel agency in Philadelphia, that eventually became a big company where corporate travel was being booked with incentive travel in addition, This company was eventually sold. If you are looking for an agent who will attend to your every need and be available 24/7, contact Selma today to find your dream trip.


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